Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weekend Trips

My weekends have stayed really busy since I have been here. We are only an hour away from the Lake of the Ozarks and the Army has a resort there that only military personnel can stay at. A couple weeks ago we rented three cabins and spent the weekend relaxing, boating, grilling, and hanging out.

One Saturday we decided to go to Springfield (about an hour away) for a gun show. That was random. There were a lot of interesting people there...but I did find a hip holster for my handgun!

Last weekend about ten of us went to St. Louis for the weekend. We had a girls night on Friday and then the boys met up with us on Saturday and we saw the Arch and went to a brewery. We got caught in a crazy thunderstorm while we had dinner and the parking lot flooded. But, it created a lot of puddles to jump in :) That night we went out dancing and had a lot of fun.

This weekend has just been relaxing. I have left my room once today and it's been great :) Since we were out in the field this week, all we had to do yesterday was clean the equipment so we finished around noon. We organized a cook out for the afternoon and played a game of kickball. It was awesome!

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