Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's Official!

I'm going to FT. Richardson! YAY!!!!!!! I just talked with the S1 (the person in charge of personnel) yesterday and had it verified. So I will be living in Anchorage, near Target and Arbys! And I just found out there is Cold Stone in Alaska...made my day :)

Other things I've been up to:

Cross Fit: There is a group of about 7 of us who started doing cross fit. One of the guys in my class is a trainer so that rocks. This is the first work out we did:

10x pull ups
25x push ups
25x sit ups
25x squats
200m sprint

Rest for 3 minutes and repeat three times. Each set was done for time. We did this on Monday and my legs are still sore!

My classmates are awesome. So just hanging out with them. Yesterday it was in the 70's so we played ultimate frisbee and then had taco Tuesday (it's you eat tacos).

All in all.....a good time!

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