Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Land Navigation

Today we had land navigation. They ran it a little different from what I am used to. We are required to do a night and a day course. Our cadre combined the two and we started at 4am this morning. First formation was at 2:30...early day! We had six hours and 8 points that we had to find. Everyone is given different points in a 3km by 4km area. We are given a map, compass, protractor (not a math protractor) and 8 digit coordinates for 8 points (no GPS!). After plotting the points, you wonder around trying to find them. There are different techniques that people use. I like to walk on the roads-easiest I think. This course was nice because there were actually terrain features like hills, draws, and valleys. The courses in Minnesota are flat so you can't terrain associate. We were given six hours to complete the course. They let us leave around noon which was nice because it let me catch up on my blog!

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